The false grip position can elevate your pull-up game and enhance your overall gymnastic skills. This advanced grip technique not only prepares you for challenging moves like muscle ups and climb-ups but also helps with versatility on the gymnastics rings. Since many of us struggle with grip fatigue and transition between movements, understanding the mechanics behind the false grip is essential for building the strength and technique needed for more complex exercises.
To get started, approach the bar and instead of a traditional grip, extend your hands so that your fingers and wrists create a welcoming overhang over the bar. Your fingers should bend backward as you position yourself. In this grip, your wrists take on the burden of your body weight—think of it as if you're climbing over a flat surface, with your hands supporting your weight at the pivot point of your wrists, instead of only your fingers. When performing pull-ups in the false grip, maintain a dead hang and avoid bouncing or kipping; control is key to mastering this grip. As you pull up, remember to keep your wrists engaged, as this will not only create a stronger pull but also prepare your body for those muscle up transitions later on.
Mastering the false grip can be challenging at first, and it's normal for the position to feel a little uncomfortable as you train your body to adapt. You may experience some soreness since the muscles aren't used to this wrist positioning. Nevertheless, it’s important to differentiate between good discomfort from exertion and potential injury. Ultimately, incorporating the false grip into your training will bolster your pull-up ability and lay the groundwork for more advanced gymnastic maneuvers. As you develop your skill in this grip, you’ll find it improves functionality in various movements, taking your training to new heights.
- To engage the false grip effectively, focus on positioning the wrists as the primary support rather than relying solely on your fingers.
- Control your movements to avoid unnecessary bouncing; aim for a steady, measured pace for each repetition.
- Embrace the initial discomfort as part of the learning process, and stay mindful of your form to avoid any injuries.
0.06this episode is the advanced option2.55number two and we're going to be looking4.98at a very slight difference with the7.35mechanics today this is going to be the10.26false grip position so the idea with14.16this episode is we're going to be15.48looking at what we call the false grip17.55now the idea with the false grip is19.949we're trying to replicate a muscle up23.369position or a climb up position and also27.09the way that you use gymnastics rings as29.82well with the false grip position we are33.21going to change our grip on the bar36.12where we would normally be grabbing the39.03bar like this actually what we're going41.85to do now is go past the bar and we're45.719now going to be in this position so the49.59reason this is called a false grip is51.51because actually so your fingers are53.699going to come back you're not actually56.12gripping the bar it kind of looks like58.71rah but this is false you're not61.77gripping the bar you're going past the63.96bar so the key is that you are on the67.979wrist and this is going to take the71.25entire load of the body weight or the74.159pull up that you're doing so the reason76.29for this is that if we were climbing up79.32onto a wall and the wall was flat on the82.29top we would actually be in this85.02position you would actually be putting87.9your entire hand over the top of the90.45wall trying to climb up on the wall with93.869this position or this position96.11essentially there would be very very99.18hard because by the time your forearm is101.88flat and straight you would have to104.28change your hand position now we're106.829going to look at climb up some muscle108.36ups in a different series but for today110.939we're going to be looking at making the112.95pull-ups slightly harder by practicing115.89this position or this position you're119.43gonna see that I've rigged the GoPro up121.56here so you're gonna get a much better123.39view of where my hands are going to be125.81so both hands are going to be over the129.39top129.69and I'm going to be bringing my fingers131.61back so I'm not132.61this position I'm going to be in this136.09position okay so again from here dead140.32hang position pull up and back down148.78with the fingers pulling back the idea152.08is that they're gonna stop you from153.76slipping downwards and back into this156.52position the fingertips are pushing back158.95into the bar and they can stop that161.86slide why do this with the muscle up the165.91muscle up can actually be done a couple168.67of different ways but one of those ways171.01is with a false grip position so when174.4you're doing the muscle up you can176.29actually start in this position and179.02you're going to pull up and climb up181.84like that the second Pro for this is185.28that if you're practicing climb ups you188.59are also practicing the position that190.6you would be climbing up on which would193.24be a flat open hands like this so195.58imagine that the bar is actually the top197.95of a wall your hand would be flat on top200.38of that wall in this position again the203.59pivot point would be at your wrist so207.49your wrist would be where the pivot209.23point is not on the edge of your fingers212.65and where your knuckles are you want214.39that wrist to be the pivot point and216.43that is the bit that you are going to218.95move up and down on so this different221.709mechanic of just changing the position224.8of how you're gripping the bar means227.44that you're going to start becoming a228.94lot more functional with that pull-up231.19you're going to be able to start232.81thinking about transitioning into those235.03other movements and it means that you're237.549going to be able to take your body239.17weight on that wrist portion and you're242.11going to find that a lot of the weight243.73is going to be applied to the bottom of246.1the thumb and the wrist I also mentioned249.61rings so with the gymnastics ring the253.87way that you want to do muscle ups on256.39rings and other different types of258.4movement you would also be holding this261.04in what we call a false grip so with263.65this the idea would be a shell turn it266.29this way is the the edge of your wrist270.13so this section here the the crease of273.4your wrist is where the hand would hold277.99so you can see that it is like this279.789false grip position as well I'm not281.77actually282.33holding the bar I mean a false grip on284.729my wrist285.81here and this is how you do the pull-up289.02on the Rings as well so you would be in292.199this position and you would pull up and294.659then if you wanted to move into the297.36muscle up what happens is the ring turns300.24out and you can push and then you come303.389back into that false grip position so307.379one of the bad issues with this is that310.02this slightly different mechanic is312.289gonna feel a little bit more painful314.9because your body is not going to be317.94used to using this wrist as a pivot321.06point and as a position to take a load323.729so your body weight it's gonna start by327.419being very very painful at the beginning329.55now we want to try to get used to this332.28as long as you've got to be able to make335.219sure that you're not causing damage to337.62yourself and that the pain is not339.99because you are putting yourself in the342wrong position you're actually343.529physically hurting yourself you want to345.75feel the kind of pain that you get from349.229a lot of exercise or the type of pain352.349where you know that it's not actually354.99damaging you it is just something you're356.849not used to doing so on top of it being359.819slightly more unpleasant being in this362.069position there is actually a second part365.039to this that actually makes this a367.11little bit more difficult so when your370.77hands are in this position what will373.65happen is because your hands and fingers377.039are pulled back your forearm is380.21automatically turned on and it is383.069automatically tense and you're going to385.229find that you you're not going to be387.69able to hang very easily in the bottom391.469dead hang position in this position and394.229you're going to find that actually396.599holding the bottom position is going to400.65be very tough hold yourself on and dead404.19hang on the wrists lastly because of408that position where the false grip is410.55going to cause the forearms to keep413.25switched on414.909it means that when you're at that bottom417.119near-dead Hank position everything is420.099still switched on and it means it's421.899going to be easier for you to Kip and424.479bounce back up into the next repetition427.119and you really don't want to do that you429.879don't want to be bouncing on to those431.979ligaments and bouncing on those muscles433.99you want to control it down and control436.749it back up without having to bounce up438.969and down try and get away from that even442.24though it's going to be easier for you444.399to do because you're not going to be in446.589that relaxed state try to keep it under450.039control and try to keep it so you're at453.189a very steady pace so hopefully you've456.309got something out of this advanced457.689version this is as I've said a very460.839slight small mechanical change but it463.929will make things a lot lot harder with465.999the pull-up however it will mean that468.55things are going to become a lot more470.199functional later on and it's going to472.029translate over to those other movements474.459within parkour so you really want to try477.069to start getting used to doing false478.809grip on the bar and false grip to try481.779and climb up onto things490.71you
1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 this episode is the advanced option 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:06,000 number two and we're going to be looking 3 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:09,000 at a very slight difference with the 4 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:13,000 mechanics today this is going to be the 5 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:15,000 false grip position so the idea with 6 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:17,000 this episode is we're going to be 7 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:19,000 looking at what we call the false grip 8 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:22,000 now the idea with the false grip is 9 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:26,000 we're trying to replicate a muscle up 10 00:00:23,000 --> 00:00:29,000 position or a climb up position and also 11 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:33,000 the way that you use gymnastics rings as 12 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:35,000 well with the false grip position we are 13 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:38,000 going to change our grip on the bar 14 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:41,000 where we would normally be grabbing the 15 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:45,000 bar like this actually what we're going 16 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:48,000 to do now is go past the bar and we're 17 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:50,000 now going to be in this position so the 18 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:53,000 reason this is called a false grip is 19 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:55,000 because actually so your fingers are 20 00:00:53,000 --> 00:00:58,000 going to come back you're not actually 21 00:00:56,000 --> 00:01:01,000 gripping the bar it kind of looks like 22 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:03,000 rah but this is false you're not 23 00:00:61,000 --> 00:01:07,000 gripping the bar you're going past the 24 00:00:63,000 --> 00:01:10,000 bar so the key is that you are on the 25 00:00:67,000 --> 00:01:13,000 wrist and this is going to take the 26 00:00:71,000 --> 00:01:16,000 entire load of the body weight or the 27 00:00:74,000 --> 00:01:19,000 pull up that you're doing so the reason 28 00:00:76,000 --> 00:01:22,000 for this is that if we were climbing up 29 00:00:79,000 --> 00:01:24,000 onto a wall and the wall was flat on the 30 00:00:82,000 --> 00:01:27,000 top we would actually be in this 31 00:00:85,000 --> 00:01:30,000 position you would actually be putting 32 00:00:87,000 --> 00:01:32,000 your entire hand over the top of the 33 00:00:90,000 --> 00:01:35,000 wall trying to climb up on the wall with 34 00:00:93,000 --> 00:01:38,000 this position or this position 35 00:00:96,000 --> 00:01:41,000 essentially there would be very very 36 00:00:99,000 --> 00:01:44,000 hard because by the time your forearm is 37 00:00:101,000 --> 00:01:45,000 flat and straight you would have to 38 00:00:104,000 --> 00:01:48,000 change your hand position now we're 39 00:00:106,000 --> 00:01:50,000 going to look at climb up some muscle 40 00:00:108,000 --> 00:01:52,000 ups in a different series but for today 41 00:00:110,000 --> 00:01:54,000 we're going to be looking at making the 42 00:00:112,000 --> 00:01:58,000 pull-ups slightly harder by practicing 43 00:00:115,000 --> 00:01:60,000 this position or this position you're 44 00:00:119,000 --> 00:01:62,000 gonna see that I've rigged the GoPro up 45 00:00:121,000 --> 00:01:65,000 here so you're gonna get a much better 46 00:00:123,000 --> 00:01:69,000 view of where my hands are going to be 47 00:00:125,000 --> 00:01:68,000 so both hands are going to be over the 48 00:00:129,000 --> 00:01:71,000 top 49 00:00:129,000 --> 00:01:71,000 and I'm going to be bringing my fingers 50 00:00:131,000 --> 00:01:75,000 back so I'm not 51 00:00:132,000 --> 00:01:79,000 this position I'm going to be in this 52 00:00:136,000 --> 00:01:87,000 position okay so again from here dead 53 00:00:140,000 --> 00:01:87,000 hang position pull up and back down 54 00:00:148,000 --> 00:01:92,000 with the fingers pulling back the idea 55 00:00:152,000 --> 00:01:96,000 is that they're gonna stop you from 56 00:00:153,000 --> 00:01:98,000 slipping downwards and back into this 57 00:00:156,000 --> 00:01:101,000 position the fingertips are pushing back 58 00:00:158,000 --> 00:01:104,000 into the bar and they can stop that 59 00:00:161,000 --> 00:01:107,000 slide why do this with the muscle up the 60 00:00:165,000 --> 00:01:110,000 muscle up can actually be done a couple 61 00:00:168,000 --> 00:01:113,000 of different ways but one of those ways 62 00:00:171,000 --> 00:01:116,000 is with a false grip position so when 63 00:00:174,000 --> 00:01:118,000 you're doing the muscle up you can 64 00:00:176,000 --> 00:01:121,000 actually start in this position and 65 00:00:179,000 --> 00:01:125,000 you're going to pull up and climb up 66 00:00:181,000 --> 00:01:127,000 like that the second Pro for this is 67 00:00:185,000 --> 00:01:130,000 that if you're practicing climb ups you 68 00:00:188,000 --> 00:01:132,000 are also practicing the position that 69 00:00:190,000 --> 00:01:134,000 you would be climbing up on which would 70 00:00:193,000 --> 00:01:137,000 be a flat open hands like this so 71 00:00:195,000 --> 00:01:139,000 imagine that the bar is actually the top 72 00:00:197,000 --> 00:01:142,000 of a wall your hand would be flat on top 73 00:00:200,000 --> 00:01:147,000 of that wall in this position again the 74 00:00:203,000 --> 00:01:148,000 pivot point would be at your wrist so 75 00:00:207,000 --> 00:01:152,000 your wrist would be where the pivot 76 00:00:209,000 --> 00:01:154,000 point is not on the edge of your fingers 77 00:00:212,000 --> 00:01:155,000 and where your knuckles are you want 78 00:00:214,000 --> 00:01:158,000 that wrist to be the pivot point and 79 00:00:216,000 --> 00:01:161,000 that is the bit that you are going to 80 00:00:218,000 --> 00:01:163,000 move up and down on so this different 81 00:00:221,000 --> 00:01:166,000 mechanic of just changing the position 82 00:00:224,000 --> 00:01:168,000 of how you're gripping the bar means 83 00:00:227,000 --> 00:01:170,000 that you're going to start becoming a 84 00:00:228,000 --> 00:01:171,000 lot more functional with that pull-up 85 00:00:231,000 --> 00:01:174,000 you're going to be able to start 86 00:00:232,000 --> 00:01:176,000 thinking about transitioning into those 87 00:00:235,000 --> 00:01:179,000 other movements and it means that you're 88 00:00:237,000 --> 00:01:181,000 going to be able to take your body 89 00:00:239,000 --> 00:01:183,000 weight on that wrist portion and you're 90 00:00:242,000 --> 00:01:185,000 going to find that a lot of the weight 91 00:00:243,000 --> 00:01:188,000 is going to be applied to the bottom of 92 00:00:246,000 --> 00:01:193,000 the thumb and the wrist I also mentioned 93 00:00:249,000 --> 00:01:195,000 rings so with the gymnastics ring the 94 00:00:253,000 --> 00:01:197,000 way that you want to do muscle ups on 95 00:00:256,000 --> 00:01:200,000 rings and other different types of 96 00:00:258,000 --> 00:01:203,000 movement you would also be holding this 97 00:00:261,000 --> 00:01:206,000 in what we call a false grip so with 98 00:00:263,000 --> 00:01:209,000 this the idea would be a shell turn it 99 00:00:266,000 --> 00:01:213,000 this way is the the edge of your wrist 100 00:00:270,000 --> 00:01:217,000 so this section here the the crease of 101 00:00:273,000 --> 00:01:219,000 your wrist is where the hand would hold 102 00:00:277,000 --> 00:01:220,000 so you can see that it is like this 103 00:00:279,000 --> 00:01:221,000 false grip position as well I'm not 104 00:00:281,000 --> 00:01:223,000 actually 105 00:00:282,000 --> 00:01:225,000 holding the bar I mean a false grip on 106 00:00:284,000 --> 00:01:228,000 my wrist 107 00:00:285,000 --> 00:01:231,000 here and this is how you do the pull-up 108 00:00:289,000 --> 00:01:234,000 on the Rings as well so you would be in 109 00:00:292,000 --> 00:01:237,000 this position and you would pull up and 110 00:00:294,000 --> 00:01:239,000 then if you wanted to move into the 111 00:00:297,000 --> 00:01:243,000 muscle up what happens is the ring turns 112 00:00:300,000 --> 00:01:247,000 out and you can push and then you come 113 00:00:303,000 --> 00:01:249,000 back into that false grip position so 114 00:00:307,000 --> 00:01:251,000 one of the bad issues with this is that 115 00:00:310,000 --> 00:01:254,000 this slightly different mechanic is 116 00:00:312,000 --> 00:01:257,000 gonna feel a little bit more painful 117 00:00:314,000 --> 00:01:260,000 because your body is not going to be 118 00:00:317,000 --> 00:01:262,000 used to using this wrist as a pivot 119 00:00:321,000 --> 00:01:267,000 point and as a position to take a load 120 00:00:323,000 --> 00:01:268,000 so your body weight it's gonna start by 121 00:00:327,000 --> 00:01:271,000 being very very painful at the beginning 122 00:00:329,000 --> 00:01:274,000 now we want to try to get used to this 123 00:00:332,000 --> 00:01:277,000 as long as you've got to be able to make 124 00:00:335,000 --> 00:01:279,000 sure that you're not causing damage to 125 00:00:337,000 --> 00:01:281,000 yourself and that the pain is not 126 00:00:339,000 --> 00:01:282,000 because you are putting yourself in the 127 00:00:342,000 --> 00:01:285,000 wrong position you're actually 128 00:00:343,000 --> 00:01:288,000 physically hurting yourself you want to 129 00:00:345,000 --> 00:01:291,000 feel the kind of pain that you get from 130 00:00:349,000 --> 00:01:294,000 a lot of exercise or the type of pain 131 00:00:352,000 --> 00:01:296,000 where you know that it's not actually 132 00:00:354,000 --> 00:01:298,000 damaging you it is just something you're 133 00:00:356,000 --> 00:01:301,000 not used to doing so on top of it being 134 00:00:359,000 --> 00:01:304,000 slightly more unpleasant being in this 135 00:00:362,000 --> 00:01:307,000 position there is actually a second part 136 00:00:365,000 --> 00:01:310,000 to this that actually makes this a 137 00:00:367,000 --> 00:01:313,000 little bit more difficult so when your 138 00:00:370,000 --> 00:01:316,000 hands are in this position what will 139 00:00:373,000 --> 00:01:319,000 happen is because your hands and fingers 140 00:00:377,000 --> 00:01:323,000 are pulled back your forearm is 141 00:00:380,000 --> 00:01:325,000 automatically turned on and it is 142 00:00:383,000 --> 00:01:327,000 automatically tense and you're going to 143 00:00:385,000 --> 00:01:331,000 find that you you're not going to be 144 00:00:387,000 --> 00:01:333,000 able to hang very easily in the bottom 145 00:00:391,000 --> 00:01:336,000 dead hang position in this position and 146 00:00:394,000 --> 00:01:340,000 you're going to find that actually 147 00:00:396,000 --> 00:01:343,000 holding the bottom position is going to 148 00:00:400,000 --> 00:01:347,000 be very tough hold yourself on and dead 149 00:00:404,000 --> 00:01:350,000 hang on the wrists lastly because of 150 00:00:408,000 --> 00:01:353,000 that position where the false grip is 151 00:00:410,000 --> 00:01:354,000 going to cause the forearms to keep 152 00:00:413,000 --> 00:01:356,000 switched on 153 00:00:414,000 --> 00:01:359,000 it means that when you're at that bottom 154 00:00:417,000 --> 00:01:361,000 near-dead Hank position everything is 155 00:00:420,000 --> 00:01:364,000 still switched on and it means it's 156 00:00:421,000 --> 00:01:366,000 going to be easier for you to Kip and 157 00:00:424,000 --> 00:01:369,000 bounce back up into the next repetition 158 00:00:427,000 --> 00:01:371,000 and you really don't want to do that you 159 00:00:429,000 --> 00:01:373,000 don't want to be bouncing on to those 160 00:00:431,000 --> 00:01:375,000 ligaments and bouncing on those muscles 161 00:00:433,000 --> 00:01:377,000 you want to control it down and control 162 00:00:436,000 --> 00:01:381,000 it back up without having to bounce up 163 00:00:438,000 --> 00:01:383,000 and down try and get away from that even 164 00:00:442,000 --> 00:01:386,000 though it's going to be easier for you 165 00:00:444,000 --> 00:01:389,000 to do because you're not going to be in 166 00:00:446,000 --> 00:01:392,000 that relaxed state try to keep it under 167 00:00:450,000 --> 00:01:396,000 control and try to keep it so you're at 168 00:00:453,000 --> 00:01:397,000 a very steady pace so hopefully you've 169 00:00:456,000 --> 00:01:400,000 got something out of this advanced 170 00:00:457,000 --> 00:01:403,000 version this is as I've said a very 171 00:00:460,000 --> 00:01:405,000 slight small mechanical change but it 172 00:00:463,000 --> 00:01:407,000 will make things a lot lot harder with 173 00:00:465,000 --> 00:01:409,000 the pull-up however it will mean that 174 00:00:468,000 --> 00:01:411,000 things are going to become a lot more 175 00:00:470,000 --> 00:01:414,000 functional later on and it's going to 176 00:00:472,000 --> 00:01:417,000 translate over to those other movements 177 00:00:474,000 --> 00:01:418,000 within parkour so you really want to try 178 00:00:477,000 --> 00:01:421,000 to start getting used to doing false 179 00:00:478,000 --> 00:01:424,000 grip on the bar and false grip to try 180 00:00:481,000 --> 00:01:424,000 and climb up onto things 181 00:00:490,000 --> 00:01:432,000 you