Strength 6
Lesson Level : 6

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Perform one hundred reps broken into five different abdominal exercises in six minutes.

You must demonstrate 20 reps of the following exercises without the legs touching the floor or using the hands to support the legs.

  1. 20x Reps of in-and-out. Legs straight to legs bent.
  2. 20x Reps of cycling the legs. 1 rep per full circular cycle.
  3. 20x Reps of both palms of the hands touching to the side of you. One rep is both sides.
  4. 20x Reps of Sit-ups with back completely off the ground. Feet not under anything.

The last set of twenty reps should be in a plank position with forearms and toes.

  1. 20x Reps of knees touching your elbows. (10 per side).

You must complete the first four exercises back-to-back with not legs touching the ground. You must then finish by going into the last exercise and complete before the 6 minutes are up.

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed.
You must complete 100 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
One hundred reps in total. Five exercises, 20 reps each.
The duration must be 00:06:00
+ / -
The duration can be more than specified.
Six minutes total duration or less.