Lesson Level : 2
Diving Monkey
The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.
The second level is another pushing action and very similar to a yoga downwards-dog to upwards-dog.
Demonstrate five diving-monkeys in a row without stopping.
Example of the diving-monkey:
- Start in a push-up position with hands flat and body straight.
- Push the hips up high as they can go and push the head back to look at the toes. (Downward dog position).
- Softly drop both elbows onto the ground at the same time.
- Dive your head and body downwards so you are in a low-plank position on your forearms.
- Lift the elbows off the ground onto your hands while keeping the torso low to the ground.
- You will now be in a low-plank position (bottom of a push-up) on your hands.
- Push your arms straight and lift the torso up. (Upwards dog position).
- Now reverse every step.
You must touch your forearms onto the ground in both directions.
Your hands must remain flat on the ground.
Your hips must return to their highest point.
Only your hands, forearms and toes must touch the ground. Absolutely nothing else can touch the ground.
Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
You must complete 5 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Five repetitions in total.
The hands must be Flat hands
The hands should be in a flat position, with the full palm touching. No steepled fingers or thumb tucked behind, raising the palm.
Your orientation must be Start and Finish facing the same direction.
Finish facing the same direction as your starting direction.