Lesson Level : 5
Hip Raises

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Demonstrate thirty (30) hip raises in a row, with your heels on a knee-height block/wall/obstacle or higher.

Lay on your back next to the knee-height obstacle and rest your heels on top of the block, toes facing up.

Start with your knees bent. Now by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings, straighten your hips in a complete line with your knees and shoulders.

The top position should be completely flat and straight for full range-of-motion.

Release the position, lowering your glutes back down to the ground.

This is to demonstrate a hamstring based, pulling action with the legs.

Demonstrate all reps without loosing quality and go at a slow pace, holding at the top position for 1 second.

Hands can remain on the floor, but must not be used to help the exercise.

Your shoulders and upper back (thoracic) with the heels should be the only parts of the body doing the exercise.

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x1 times the height of a Knee-Height
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
The height of the wall must be knee-height or greater.
You must complete 30 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Thirty repetitions in total.
The duration must be 00:00:01
+ / -
The duration can be more than specified.
Hold for 1 second at the top position every time.
Your range of motion must be Full Range of Motion
+ / -
Your range of motion can be less than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
You must perform complete full range-of-motion (ROM)