Weighted pull-ups are an excellent way to enhance your strength training regimen by adding extra resistance to an exercise you may already be comfortable with. If you’ve mastered bodyweight pull-ups and are looking to challenge yourself further, incorporating a weight belt can significantly amplify the effectiveness of your workout. In this tutorial, we'll go through the step-by-step process of how to set up a weight belt for your pull-ups, encouraging you to adapt and grow stronger as you tackle increasing weight.
To get started, you will first need a weight belt designed for pull-ups. Begin by putting on the belt and threading the chain through the front hoop. Next, choose your desired weight. For instance, a 1.25 kg plate is a great starting point, and you can adjust accordingly based on your fitness level. Attach the weight to the chain, ensuring that the clip faces away from your body to avoid snagging on your clothing. Once secured, you are ready to perform your pull-ups! Remember to maintain proper form: hang from the bar in a dead position, pull up with as much control as possible, and return to the starting position before attempting the next repetition. You can gradually increase the weight as you get stronger, utilizing various plate sizes or even kettlebells for variety.
In conclusion, using a weight belt for pull-ups not only allows for scalable training but also enhances the versatility of your workouts—whether you’re focusing on strength, endurance, or hypertrophy. While there may be some challenges, like managing momentum when using larger weights, the benefits of adding weight are significant. You can start training with lighter weights and work your way up, making this method suitable for not only advanced athletes but also beginners looking to push their limits. The key takeaway is that, with the right equipment and approach, weighted pull-ups can be a phenomenal addition to your strength training routine.
- Start by securely attaching a weight belt and choosing your desired weight for pull-ups.
- Maintain proper form by starting from a dead hang and pulling up with control.
- Incrementally increase your weight as you gain strength, ensuring the workout remains challenging.
0.03this is going to be the first option for2.19the advanced group and we're going to be4.529looking at weighted pull-ups today so7.77with this option we are now going to10.71have a look at weighting ourselves so13.17putting extra weight onto our body to16.08make that pull up a little bit harder so18.57we've got to the point where we can do20.369bodyweight pull-ups and we now have to23.789increase the amount of stress on our25.529body to make it a little bit harder so27.779we keep adapting and we keep getting30.24stronger so to begin with what we're33.18going to do is we're going to put this34.829belt on35.85alright so it's fairly simple you can37.41see it has a belt part leather part and40.469then on the end it has a chain with two43.95hoops on each end of the belt so I'm46.95gonna put this on like so now the first49.8thing you want to do is thread the chain52.76through the hoop okay so you now have57.44the belt on like that59.52alright so it's gonna stay on the on62.01your hips next up you want to grab65.159yourself a weight so I have some of67.56these tri plates and this one is a one71.729point two five kilo plates so fairly74.67light you can get them a lot lighter and76.53there's lots of different increments you78.479can buy and they can start from like81.210.25 point one of a kilo and it allows84.509very small increments to increase okay87.63so I'm gonna start with this one which89.4is 1.25 and I'm gonna thread the chain93.42through one of the holes95.25okay like so and then I'm just going to98.34clip the chain back onto the other side100.74now just as a little tip try to put the104.85clip so the clip is like that the clip107.579away from you so it is not going to110.759catch on your t-shirt or jumper so now113.85you have the weight hanging between your116.549legs okay in this triangle formation119.39okay so now we've loaded our body up122.189with a little bit of extra weight we can124.86now do the normal pull-up with126.649everything that we've done in the128.64pull-up section the exact same way okay132.51so you're gonna133.709on the bar you're going to do full range135.81so you can start from the dead hang137.459position pull up as high as you can and140.67try to get that so you're doing an143.31absolute normal pull-up but just with an146.01extra piece of weight okay so grab148.4squeeze as hard as you can150.719dead hang position pull up and come back154.799down okay so that's how we use the158.549weight belt to increase the amount of161.31stress on our body using small164.849increments of weight and obviously you166.709can use different weight plates to make168.87this easier or harder so this is two171.03point five kilos so it's double that one173.45we can do the same thing again pass it176.819through clip it on and we go again so180.78from here dead hang position pulling up183.54and coming back down again squeeze and188.31down190.26so let's have a look at some of the192positives and negatives to using weight194.519plates and a weight belt so the very197.639first primary plus for this is the fact201.659that it is very very scalable you can205.019put on very small increments of weight208.049and you can go up infinitum okay you can212.099add as much weight as you like to the214.62person who is doing the pull-up and make217.829it easier or harder for them depending220.62on how much weight you put on as I also222.93mentioned those weights that you put on225.269you can have one gram plates you can put229.409ting gram you can put 50 one kilo all232.62the way up to fifty kilos there are a235.439lot of different plates and it is really237.599just down to your budget and what you239.639can afford or get hold of in terms of242.159the plates so something else to be aware244.65of is you don't just need to use plates246.87you can use kettlebells as well so the250.47great thing about kettlebells are that252.84they come in quite standard sizes and255.979you can put one of these on they hook in259.68exactly the same you just pass it261.389through the handle and clip back on263.34again and it means that you can actually266.74clamp these a lot easier than the flat268.93plates okay between your legs and it271.09stops them swinging so much so some273.069people prefer using kettlebells other275.259people prefer using the weight plates277.949most of the time you're going to use a280.87weight plate because the kettlebells283.03don't actually come in that many285.28different types of increments of weight287.53size compared to the plates so you'll290.259probably have to use a combination of292.9the two to get the weight that you are294.849trying to look for so another great plus297.849with this type of training is the fact301.12that it it is very versatile and what I304.33mean by that is you can do pure strength307.389training with weights you can do309.699muscular endurance you can do pure312.039endurance you can do hypertrophy you can314.65do power work you can do a lot of316.69different types of training depending on319.36how much weight you have and what you321.789are able to do so it becomes a very324.159versatile tool to be able to load your326.74body up with extra weight so a couple of329.949the negatives the first one being you332.949need equipment again we have to go out335.289and we're going to have to buy some336.49equipment the weight belt and the weight339.28plates now again you can get the belt342.43quite cheaply of Amazon or Ebay and you346.24could probably pick up some plates very348.88cheap secondhand of ebay again so352.84actually this stuff is not very354.849expensive and to be honest you could357.819probably find other things that maybe360.13that you could load up to uses weights362.74as well the only thing is that with the365.469plates they're marked on exactly how367.36much they weigh and it allows you to be369.58a lot more accurate with the type of371.409training you're doing so when we are373.99actually doing a lot of sets and a lot376.27of reps something else that becomes378.31quite apparent is when you have big381.43weights between your legs and these are384.25gonna start swinging as you're coming386.08down and pushing and pulling back up388.33again and the momentum from the weight390.94plates actually can cause a few issues393.49in terms of swinging and kicking and a396.969few other little bits and pieces as well399.5so it's slightly harder to control when402.05you've got extra weight so it's just404.6something to think about and something406.01to keep in mind that you want to keep407.6that under control when you're doing409.64lots of reps and lots of sets so411.71something else that you can use our413.3weight vests so these are like jackets415.7that you can strap to your chest and it418.16means that they're against your chest421.16and stick to your chest so they're not423.95going to move around as you're doing the425.81pull-up the trouble with these are428.21there's two problems with this number430.49one is the actual distance from your433.31chest is going to mean that it's harder436.07at the top-end to get past the bar and438.89you'll find that you won't be able to441.38get higher than if you didn't have the443.99weight vest on the second issue is446.62generally these weight vests come in449.33different sizes but they have little452.36fans sacks that you can either replace455.69or put more in the trouble is that these459.05sandbags and some of them don't even461.36have them they're stitched in and you463.34can't change them but the sandbags are465.919weird sizes and to buy more actually you470.36can't do and if you want to put more472.88weight than the actual weight vest can475.25do you'd have to buy another weight vest478.18that's where you turn to the weight belt480.68because like I said you can add as much483.229as you like or reduce as much as you485.78like and all you really have to do is488have the weights which are very very489.89easily available as opposed to these492.26increments of weight vests which is ten495.59kilos 20 kilos 30 kilos generally it's499.16going to be a lot harder to manage a501.229scale up and down from those set amounts504.41one of the last things I'd like to leave506.51you with is that these weight belts and509.78the weight plates are not just for the512.87advanced group so even though this is515.06the first option for the advanced516.979section I want it to be known that519.44actually you will be using these as a521.9beginner to now when you're using the525.98bands and the bands527.87come in again different ranges and they531.32can pull and help you533.24for an amount to go from an increment of536.36let's say the green band to the blue538.73band we've said that you can change the541.16length and you can change how many knots544.16you put in it to make it shorter or546.23longer but what we could also do is keep549.589it at the same length and slowly add552.5extra weight using the weight belt as555.41well so we're increasing very small558.02amounts but while using the band's as561.08well when we get to the point where the563.779difference between the green band and566.18the white belt567.76equals the blue band then we would just570.83switch over and take the weight belt off572.66again we're going to get more into that575when we are looking at the programming576.86side of things but it's definitely worth579.17keeping in mind that this is not just581.87for the advanced group so there you have583.82it it's the first option for the585.529advanced group this is a very scalable587.63version where we can use a weight belt589.76to increase weight and allow us to do592.19pull-ups and get stronger with our pull594.35with very very small gradual amounts605.76you
1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 this is going to be the first option for 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 the advanced group and we're going to be 3 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:10,000 looking at weighted pull-ups today so 4 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:12,000 with this option we are now going to 5 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:15,000 have a look at weighting ourselves so 6 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:18,000 putting extra weight onto our body to 7 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:20,000 make that pull up a little bit harder so 8 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:23,000 we've got to the point where we can do 9 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:25,000 bodyweight pull-ups and we now have to 10 00:00:23,000 --> 00:00:26,000 increase the amount of stress on our 11 00:00:25,000 --> 00:00:29,000 body to make it a little bit harder so 12 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:32,000 we keep adapting and we keep getting 13 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:34,000 stronger so to begin with what we're 14 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:35,000 going to do is we're going to put this 15 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:36,000 belt on 16 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:39,000 alright so it's fairly simple you can 17 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:43,000 see it has a belt part leather part and 18 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:46,000 then on the end it has a chain with two 19 00:00:43,000 --> 00:00:48,000 hoops on each end of the belt so I'm 20 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:51,000 gonna put this on like so now the first 21 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:56,000 thing you want to do is thread the chain 22 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:58,000 through the hoop okay so you now have 23 00:00:57,000 --> 00:01:01,000 the belt on like that 24 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:04,000 alright so it's gonna stay on the on 25 00:00:62,000 --> 00:01:07,000 your hips next up you want to grab 26 00:00:65,000 --> 00:01:11,000 yourself a weight so I have some of 27 00:00:67,000 --> 00:01:14,000 these tri plates and this one is a one 28 00:00:71,000 --> 00:01:15,000 point two five kilo plates so fairly 29 00:00:74,000 --> 00:01:17,000 light you can get them a lot lighter and 30 00:00:76,000 --> 00:01:20,000 there's lots of different increments you 31 00:00:78,000 --> 00:01:24,000 can buy and they can start from like 32 00:00:81,000 --> 00:01:27,000 0.25 point one of a kilo and it allows 33 00:00:84,000 --> 00:01:28,000 very small increments to increase okay 34 00:00:87,000 --> 00:01:32,000 so I'm gonna start with this one which 35 00:00:89,000 --> 00:01:34,000 is 1.25 and I'm gonna thread the chain 36 00:00:93,000 --> 00:01:37,000 through one of the holes 37 00:00:95,000 --> 00:01:40,000 okay like so and then I'm just going to 38 00:00:98,000 --> 00:01:44,000 clip the chain back onto the other side 39 00:00:100,000 --> 00:01:46,000 now just as a little tip try to put the 40 00:00:104,000 --> 00:01:49,000 clip so the clip is like that the clip 41 00:00:107,000 --> 00:01:53,000 away from you so it is not going to 42 00:00:110,000 --> 00:01:55,000 catch on your t-shirt or jumper so now 43 00:00:113,000 --> 00:01:58,000 you have the weight hanging between your 44 00:00:116,000 --> 00:01:61,000 legs okay in this triangle formation 45 00:00:119,000 --> 00:01:64,000 okay so now we've loaded our body up 46 00:00:122,000 --> 00:01:66,000 with a little bit of extra weight we can 47 00:00:124,000 --> 00:01:67,000 now do the normal pull-up with 48 00:00:126,000 --> 00:01:71,000 everything that we've done in the 49 00:00:128,000 --> 00:01:73,000 pull-up section the exact same way okay 50 00:00:132,000 --> 00:01:75,000 so you're gonna 51 00:00:133,000 --> 00:01:76,000 on the bar you're going to do full range 52 00:00:135,000 --> 00:01:79,000 so you can start from the dead hang 53 00:00:137,000 --> 00:01:82,000 position pull up as high as you can and 54 00:00:140,000 --> 00:01:85,000 try to get that so you're doing an 55 00:00:143,000 --> 00:01:88,000 absolute normal pull-up but just with an 56 00:00:146,000 --> 00:01:90,000 extra piece of weight okay so grab 57 00:00:148,000 --> 00:01:94,000 squeeze as hard as you can 58 00:00:150,000 --> 00:01:97,000 dead hang position pull up and come back 59 00:00:154,000 --> 00:01:100,000 down okay so that's how we use the 60 00:00:158,000 --> 00:01:104,000 weight belt to increase the amount of 61 00:00:161,000 --> 00:01:106,000 stress on our body using small 62 00:00:164,000 --> 00:01:108,000 increments of weight and obviously you 63 00:00:166,000 --> 00:01:110,000 can use different weight plates to make 64 00:00:168,000 --> 00:01:112,000 this easier or harder so this is two 65 00:00:171,000 --> 00:01:116,000 point five kilos so it's double that one 66 00:00:173,000 --> 00:01:120,000 we can do the same thing again pass it 67 00:00:176,000 --> 00:01:122,000 through clip it on and we go again so 68 00:00:180,000 --> 00:01:127,000 from here dead hang position pulling up 69 00:00:183,000 --> 00:01:129,000 and coming back down again squeeze and 70 00:00:188,000 --> 00:01:131,000 down 71 00:00:190,000 --> 00:01:134,000 so let's have a look at some of the 72 00:00:192,000 --> 00:01:137,000 positives and negatives to using weight 73 00:00:194,000 --> 00:01:141,000 plates and a weight belt so the very 74 00:00:197,000 --> 00:01:144,000 first primary plus for this is the fact 75 00:00:201,000 --> 00:01:147,000 that it is very very scalable you can 76 00:00:205,000 --> 00:01:152,000 put on very small increments of weight 77 00:00:208,000 --> 00:01:154,000 and you can go up infinitum okay you can 78 00:00:212,000 --> 00:01:157,000 add as much weight as you like to the 79 00:00:214,000 --> 00:01:160,000 person who is doing the pull-up and make 80 00:00:217,000 --> 00:01:162,000 it easier or harder for them depending 81 00:00:220,000 --> 00:01:164,000 on how much weight you put on as I also 82 00:00:222,000 --> 00:01:168,000 mentioned those weights that you put on 83 00:00:225,000 --> 00:01:172,000 you can have one gram plates you can put 84 00:00:229,000 --> 00:01:175,000 ting gram you can put 50 one kilo all 85 00:00:232,000 --> 00:01:176,000 the way up to fifty kilos there are a 86 00:00:235,000 --> 00:01:179,000 lot of different plates and it is really 87 00:00:237,000 --> 00:01:181,000 just down to your budget and what you 88 00:00:239,000 --> 00:01:184,000 can afford or get hold of in terms of 89 00:00:242,000 --> 00:01:186,000 the plates so something else to be aware 90 00:00:244,000 --> 00:01:189,000 of is you don't just need to use plates 91 00:00:246,000 --> 00:01:191,000 you can use kettlebells as well so the 92 00:00:250,000 --> 00:01:195,000 great thing about kettlebells are that 93 00:00:252,000 --> 00:01:198,000 they come in quite standard sizes and 94 00:00:255,000 --> 00:01:200,000 you can put one of these on they hook in 95 00:00:259,000 --> 00:01:202,000 exactly the same you just pass it 96 00:00:261,000 --> 00:01:206,000 through the handle and clip back on 97 00:00:263,000 --> 00:01:208,000 again and it means that you can actually 98 00:00:266,000 --> 00:01:210,000 clamp these a lot easier than the flat 99 00:00:268,000 --> 00:01:212,000 plates okay between your legs and it 100 00:00:271,000 --> 00:01:215,000 stops them swinging so much so some 101 00:00:273,000 --> 00:01:217,000 people prefer using kettlebells other 102 00:00:275,000 --> 00:01:220,000 people prefer using the weight plates 103 00:00:277,000 --> 00:01:222,000 most of the time you're going to use a 104 00:00:280,000 --> 00:01:224,000 weight plate because the kettlebells 105 00:00:283,000 --> 00:01:227,000 don't actually come in that many 106 00:00:285,000 --> 00:01:229,000 different types of increments of weight 107 00:00:287,000 --> 00:01:232,000 size compared to the plates so you'll 108 00:00:290,000 --> 00:01:234,000 probably have to use a combination of 109 00:00:292,000 --> 00:01:236,000 the two to get the weight that you are 110 00:00:294,000 --> 00:01:240,000 trying to look for so another great plus 111 00:00:297,000 --> 00:01:243,000 with this type of training is the fact 112 00:00:301,000 --> 00:01:247,000 that it it is very versatile and what I 113 00:00:304,000 --> 00:01:249,000 mean by that is you can do pure strength 114 00:00:307,000 --> 00:01:251,000 training with weights you can do 115 00:00:309,000 --> 00:01:253,000 muscular endurance you can do pure 116 00:00:312,000 --> 00:01:256,000 endurance you can do hypertrophy you can 117 00:00:314,000 --> 00:01:258,000 do power work you can do a lot of 118 00:00:316,000 --> 00:01:261,000 different types of training depending on 119 00:00:319,000 --> 00:01:263,000 how much weight you have and what you 120 00:00:321,000 --> 00:01:265,000 are able to do so it becomes a very 121 00:00:324,000 --> 00:01:269,000 versatile tool to be able to load your 122 00:00:326,000 --> 00:01:272,000 body up with extra weight so a couple of 123 00:00:329,000 --> 00:01:274,000 the negatives the first one being you 124 00:00:332,000 --> 00:01:275,000 need equipment again we have to go out 125 00:00:335,000 --> 00:01:278,000 and we're going to have to buy some 126 00:00:336,000 --> 00:01:281,000 equipment the weight belt and the weight 127 00:00:339,000 --> 00:01:285,000 plates now again you can get the belt 128 00:00:342,000 --> 00:01:288,000 quite cheaply of Amazon or Ebay and you 129 00:00:346,000 --> 00:01:292,000 could probably pick up some plates very 130 00:00:348,000 --> 00:01:293,000 cheap secondhand of ebay again so 131 00:00:352,000 --> 00:01:296,000 actually this stuff is not very 132 00:00:354,000 --> 00:01:299,000 expensive and to be honest you could 133 00:00:357,000 --> 00:01:301,000 probably find other things that maybe 134 00:00:360,000 --> 00:01:305,000 that you could load up to uses weights 135 00:00:362,000 --> 00:01:306,000 as well the only thing is that with the 136 00:00:365,000 --> 00:01:309,000 plates they're marked on exactly how 137 00:00:367,000 --> 00:01:311,000 much they weigh and it allows you to be 138 00:00:369,000 --> 00:01:313,000 a lot more accurate with the type of 139 00:00:371,000 --> 00:01:315,000 training you're doing so when we are 140 00:00:373,000 --> 00:01:317,000 actually doing a lot of sets and a lot 141 00:00:376,000 --> 00:01:321,000 of reps something else that becomes 142 00:00:378,000 --> 00:01:323,000 quite apparent is when you have big 143 00:00:381,000 --> 00:01:325,000 weights between your legs and these are 144 00:00:384,000 --> 00:01:328,000 gonna start swinging as you're coming 145 00:00:386,000 --> 00:01:330,000 down and pushing and pulling back up 146 00:00:388,000 --> 00:01:333,000 again and the momentum from the weight 147 00:00:390,000 --> 00:01:336,000 plates actually can cause a few issues 148 00:00:393,000 --> 00:01:339,000 in terms of swinging and kicking and a 149 00:00:396,000 --> 00:01:341,000 few other little bits and pieces as well 150 00:00:399,000 --> 00:01:344,000 so it's slightly harder to control when 151 00:00:402,000 --> 00:01:345,000 you've got extra weight so it's just 152 00:00:404,000 --> 00:01:347,000 something to think about and something 153 00:00:406,000 --> 00:01:349,000 to keep in mind that you want to keep 154 00:00:407,000 --> 00:01:351,000 that under control when you're doing 155 00:00:409,000 --> 00:01:352,000 lots of reps and lots of sets so 156 00:00:411,000 --> 00:01:354,000 something else that you can use our 157 00:00:413,000 --> 00:01:357,000 weight vests so these are like jackets 158 00:00:415,000 --> 00:01:360,000 that you can strap to your chest and it 159 00:00:418,000 --> 00:01:363,000 means that they're against your chest 160 00:00:421,000 --> 00:01:365,000 and stick to your chest so they're not 161 00:00:423,000 --> 00:01:367,000 going to move around as you're doing the 162 00:00:425,000 --> 00:01:369,000 pull-up the trouble with these are 163 00:00:428,000 --> 00:01:373,000 there's two problems with this number 164 00:00:430,000 --> 00:01:375,000 one is the actual distance from your 165 00:00:433,000 --> 00:01:378,000 chest is going to mean that it's harder 166 00:00:436,000 --> 00:01:381,000 at the top-end to get past the bar and 167 00:00:438,000 --> 00:01:383,000 you'll find that you won't be able to 168 00:00:441,000 --> 00:01:386,000 get higher than if you didn't have the 169 00:00:443,000 --> 00:01:388,000 weight vest on the second issue is 170 00:00:446,000 --> 00:01:391,000 generally these weight vests come in 171 00:00:449,000 --> 00:01:395,000 different sizes but they have little 172 00:00:452,000 --> 00:01:398,000 fans sacks that you can either replace 173 00:00:455,000 --> 00:01:400,000 or put more in the trouble is that these 174 00:00:459,000 --> 00:01:403,000 sandbags and some of them don't even 175 00:00:461,000 --> 00:01:405,000 have them they're stitched in and you 176 00:00:463,000 --> 00:01:410,000 can't change them but the sandbags are 177 00:00:465,000 --> 00:01:411,000 weird sizes and to buy more actually you 178 00:00:470,000 --> 00:01:414,000 can't do and if you want to put more 179 00:00:472,000 --> 00:01:417,000 weight than the actual weight vest can 180 00:00:475,000 --> 00:01:420,000 do you'd have to buy another weight vest 181 00:00:478,000 --> 00:01:423,000 that's where you turn to the weight belt 182 00:00:480,000 --> 00:01:425,000 because like I said you can add as much 183 00:00:483,000 --> 00:01:427,000 as you like or reduce as much as you 184 00:00:485,000 --> 00:01:429,000 like and all you really have to do is 185 00:00:488,000 --> 00:01:432,000 have the weights which are very very 186 00:00:489,000 --> 00:01:434,000 easily available as opposed to these 187 00:00:492,000 --> 00:01:438,000 increments of weight vests which is ten 188 00:00:495,000 --> 00:01:440,000 kilos 20 kilos 30 kilos generally it's 189 00:00:499,000 --> 00:01:444,000 going to be a lot harder to manage a 190 00:00:501,000 --> 00:01:446,000 scale up and down from those set amounts 191 00:00:504,000 --> 00:01:449,000 one of the last things I'd like to leave 192 00:00:506,000 --> 00:01:452,000 you with is that these weight belts and 193 00:00:509,000 --> 00:01:454,000 the weight plates are not just for the 194 00:00:512,000 --> 00:01:456,000 advanced group so even though this is 195 00:00:515,000 --> 00:01:459,000 the first option for the advanced 196 00:00:516,000 --> 00:01:460,000 section I want it to be known that 197 00:00:519,000 --> 00:01:465,000 actually you will be using these as a 198 00:00:521,000 --> 00:01:466,000 beginner to now when you're using the 199 00:00:525,000 --> 00:01:470,000 bands and the bands 200 00:00:527,000 --> 00:01:472,000 come in again different ranges and they 201 00:00:531,000 --> 00:01:476,000 can pull and help you 202 00:00:533,000 --> 00:01:478,000 for an amount to go from an increment of 203 00:00:536,000 --> 00:01:480,000 let's say the green band to the blue 204 00:00:538,000 --> 00:01:483,000 band we've said that you can change the 205 00:00:541,000 --> 00:01:486,000 length and you can change how many knots 206 00:00:544,000 --> 00:01:489,000 you put in it to make it shorter or 207 00:00:546,000 --> 00:01:492,000 longer but what we could also do is keep 208 00:00:549,000 --> 00:01:494,000 it at the same length and slowly add 209 00:00:552,000 --> 00:01:497,000 extra weight using the weight belt as 210 00:00:555,000 --> 00:01:500,000 well so we're increasing very small 211 00:00:558,000 --> 00:01:503,000 amounts but while using the band's as 212 00:00:561,000 --> 00:01:506,000 well when we get to the point where the 213 00:00:563,000 --> 00:01:506,000 difference between the green band and 214 00:00:566,000 --> 00:01:510,000 the white belt 215 00:00:567,000 --> 00:01:511,000 equals the blue band then we would just 216 00:00:570,000 --> 00:01:514,000 switch over and take the weight belt off 217 00:00:572,000 --> 00:01:516,000 again we're going to get more into that 218 00:00:575,000 --> 00:01:519,000 when we are looking at the programming 219 00:00:576,000 --> 00:01:521,000 side of things but it's definitely worth 220 00:00:579,000 --> 00:01:523,000 keeping in mind that this is not just 221 00:00:581,000 --> 00:01:524,000 for the advanced group so there you have 222 00:00:583,000 --> 00:01:526,000 it it's the first option for the 223 00:00:585,000 --> 00:01:529,000 advanced group this is a very scalable 224 00:00:587,000 --> 00:01:531,000 version where we can use a weight belt 225 00:00:589,000 --> 00:01:533,000 to increase weight and allow us to do 226 00:00:592,000 --> 00:01:539,000 pull-ups and get stronger with our pull 227 00:00:594,000 --> 00:01:539,000 with very very small gradual amounts 228 00:00:605,000 --> 00:01:547,000 you