Demonstrate a good precision landing on the edge of a wall, jumping from a similar wall with both feet at the same time and landing both feet at the same time. The wall width can only be brick-length or less.
This is to demonstrate accuracy of landing with a drop on the back side of the landing spot.
Both block/wall/obstacle must be greater than hip-height of the practitioner.
Each block must be further than participant 5-steps away from each other.
You must Land on the ball of the big-toe as the impact point, on the front edge of the landing target.
You must stick the landing, which requires you to have complete control of your balance once you have landed. This also means that after the initial contact of the feet, you cannot shuffle or move them from that point.
A good bend on the ankle, knee and hip where muscle contraction is being used to maintain balance.
You cannot fall forwards or backwards after landing.
You must repeat five times.