Dyno 3
Lesson Level : 3
Single Drop & Feet

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Start by hanging in a cat-leap/arm-jump position on the side of a wall with your fingers on top of the wall, on a ridge or a railing next to a wall, where you have a lower target wall/ridge/ledge/rail/bar that you lower yourself down to.

Demonstrate moving onto the lower ridge/ledge/bar by using one arm first, then join the other onto the lower part to descend. Feet must stay on the side of the wall and cannot be used on anything else. This is called the dyno or double-tap.

The distance of the lower bar/ridge/ledge from the top one must be one step length (heel-to-tow) or more. Use your shoe to measure the distance.

Repeat three times on both sides leading with each left or right arm.

You can change orientation and move to your left or right, as long as you are moving downwards.

The lower target does not have to be parallel with the lower starting position. You can use perpendicular rails, as long as the height requirement is met.

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x1 times the distance of a Foot-Step (toe-to-heel)
+ / -
You can use any distance that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
Distance from lower level to higher level must be more than one step (heel to toe)
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions on each side (6 reps in total).
The hands must be Pronated Grip
The hands must always be in a pronated grip, both on the start and finish point.
Your orientation must be Any Orientation
You can finish in any orientation.