Lesson Level : 5
Jump Spin Box

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Demonstrate a jump into a grab of an upright bar which allows you to spin around the bar 90 degrees and clear an obstacle next to the bar that is hip-height or greater.

Start away from the upright bar and jump to grab it with two hands. If you are rotating around the pole to the right, the left hand should be highest.

After you have swung around the bar for a minimum of 90-degrees, you must raise your legs into a box-jump position to clear a hip-height obstacle perpendicular from the bar. You can use any artificial obstacle like a chair, rope, mobility-band, etc... To designate the height.

The upright bar can be any type or width. Scaffolding bar would be most appropriate.

Land two feet in control and not falling.

You must start with your hands off the bar and jump into the grab.

The ninety degrees should be measured from the position you grab the bar, not from your jumping point.

Repeat three times in both directions.

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x1 times the height of a Hip-Height
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
The height of the obstacle must be hip-height or greater.
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions on each side (6 reps in total).
Your landing must be Both Feet (Ball of the foot)
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have landed.
Good landing on both feet.
Your takeoff must be Off both feet.
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have taken off.
Takeoff away from the bar at any distance.
The hands must be Neutral Grip
Hands should be neutral with one on each side of the bar.
Your orientation must be Finish turned 90 degrees
Finish 90 degrees or greater around the bar.