Lesson Level : 2
Hand & Foot

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Using the same setup as level-1, you will require a wall at hip-height or greater connected to a second, perpendicular wall.

Stand in the corner of where the two walls meet and place one hand only on the hip-height wall.

Place your opposite foot into the corner where the two walls meet - just as you would with a step-vault. Move your hand a little further and try to extend your body a little further away from the wall, slightly more than a regular step-vault.

Now try to move the foot on the wall onto the perpendicular wall, even if you're still resting the foot on the hip-height wall.

Create a stable position using both hand and foot. Bring the back leg off the floor and pass it over the wall and landing on this same leg.

You must repeat this three times in both directions making sure you do three reps with the left hand on the hip-height wall, and then three reps with the right hand on the wall.

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x1 times the height of a Hip-Height
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
The height of the wall must be hip-height or greater.
Must be less than x1 times the width of a Brick-Length (215mm)
+ / -
You can use anything that is less than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
Wall must be standard brick-length or less.
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions on each side (6 reps in total).
Your landing must be Opposite Foot (Ball of the foot)
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have landed.
Land on the trailing leg first.
Your takeoff must be Opposite Foot (Ball of the foot)
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have taken off.
Takeoff the trailing leg.
The hands must be Flat hands
The hands should be in a flat position, with the full palm touching. No steepled fingers or thumb tucked behind, raising the palm.