Lesson Level : 10
Gap Run

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Demonstrate a wall-run on a wall that is full-stretch height over a hip-height gap, that is 3-steps or wider, and catch the top edge - You must now climb-up on top of the wall using any means necessary.

Foot should kick at roughly hip-height on the wall with the ball of the foot.

The height of the full-stretch must be from where you are taking-off from, not including the hip-height gap.

You can use one hand or two hands over the top edge. You can use any other object to help climb up.

This is to show correct foot placement and hand placement on the wall while jumping over a 3-step (heel-to-toe) gap. Use the same side foot and hand to kick the wall and reach up.

Repeat three times on whatever side you prefer.

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x1 times the height of a Full-Height
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
The height of the wall must be full-stretchheight or greater.
Must be more than x1 times the height of a Hip-Height
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
The height of the gap must be hip-height or greater.
Must be more than x3 times the distance of a Foot-Step (toe-to-heel)
+ / -
You can use any distance that is more than specified.
x3 times the specified amount.
Gap must be three steps or greater.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions in total.
Your landing must be Both Feet (Ball of the foot)
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have landed.
Must finish on both feet on top of the wall.