Demonstrate a minimum of four individual vaults with a maximum of only two paces between each one. You must include (in any order) the following movements:
- A Reverse Step-vault
- A Slide Vault
- A Lazy Vault
- A TicTac
You cannot loose momentum or fluctuate in your speed of the route. You can go slow, but you must remain consistent in speed. It will not count if you have to slow down to perform a vault or prepare for a vault.
You can include more vaults as long as you do not loose momentum.
You can use any obstacles or combinations of obstacles to create your route. You can use the same obstacles multiple times.
Repeat three times in total.
After you land with one or two feet, you can only take a maximum of two steps (paces) to the next vault.
This is to demonstrate the ability to chain multiple specific movements together with a seamless flow between each by using prepared, accurate and planned hand and foot placements.
You cannot pause or stop at any point in the route.