Traversing 6
Lesson Level : 6
Wide Traverse

The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.

Demonstrate a bent-arm cat-leap / arm-jump hang position on the side of a wall and then traverse 6-steps (heel-to-toe) to the left and to the right. Wall can be any height that is comfortable.

Each reposition of the hand must be over 2-steps (heel-to-toe) away from the other hand. Same for the foot. For example, traversing to the right, as you move both right hand and right foot, they must both be further than 2-steps in distance.

For the 6-steps distance to cover, you must do this in three hand-reposition traversal movements.

Knees should be bent, one leg higher than the other. One at hip-height, and underneath you.

Arms must be bent at ninety degrees or less (chin closer to hands). Full finger length over the top. No over-grip onto the back edge of the wall - must be on the front edge corner of the wall.

Repeat three times for both directions. You can rest between each direction.

The distance of must be traversed by your entire body. You must pass the distance entirely before returning in the opposite direction

Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x6 times the distance of a Foot-Step (toe-to-heel)
+ / -
You can use any distance that is more than specified.
x6 times the specified amount.
You must completely cover 6-steps in distance with your entire body.
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions on each side (6 reps in total).
The hands must be Hands on front edge of wall
Hands must be on the front of the wall.
The count must be up to 3
+ / -
The count can be less than specified.
You must cover the distance in 3 traversal movements or less.