Lesson Level : 8
Wide Dash
The Challenge
Follow these details to put the exercise into practice.
Demonstrate a complete dash-vault with a box-jump/hurdle-jump over a hip-height or greater wall that is twice your foot-length or greater. finishing on one foot only and stepping out with momentum.
- Start standing in-front of the hip-height or greater wall.
- Box-jump or hurdle-jump over the wall, aiming past the wall.
- Place both hands on the corner of the wall, on each side of you, slightly behind as you pass over.
- Extend legs forwards and land on a single foot first.
- Continue forward, stepping out of the vault and moving forwards.
The box-jump can have momentum from additional steps and does not need to be a strict two-foot box-jump take-off.
You must use the flat part of the palm of the hands. No steepling.
You must land on a single foot on the ground, stepping out and keep moving forwards.
The wall must be hip-height or greater and must be wider than two of your own steps.
You must repeat three times on each leg for the landing.
Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x1 times the height of a Hip-Height
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x1 times the specified amount.
The height of the wall must be hip-height or greater.
Must be more than x2 times the width of a Foot-Length
+ / -
You can use anything that is more than specified.
x2 times the specified amount.
Wall must be your twice your foot-length or more.
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed on the landing leg.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions on each side (6 reps in total).
Your landing must be Any single leg (Ball of the foot)
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have landed.
Must land on one leg.
The hands must be Flat hands
The hands should be in a flat position, with the full palm touching. No steepled fingers or thumb tucked behind, raising the palm.
Your orientation must be Start and Finish facing the same direction.
Finish facing the same direction as your starting direction.