In this tutorial, we will explore the world of step vaults, ranging from beginner to advanced techniques. Step vaults are essential for anyone looking to enhance their parkour skills, as they enable you to navigate obstacles with ease and confidence. Whether you're starting out or refining your skill set, it’s crucial to practice variations that suit your current ability level, ensuring you build a solid foundation while progressively challenging yourself.
To kick things off, begin with the basics: the two-handed step vault using both hands and one foot to lift yourself over a wall. As you grow comfortable, transition to the one-handed variation, practicing on the floor for safety. Gradually introduce movements with your non-dominant side to maximize versatility. For those ready to advance, incorporating momentum by stepping back and then vaulting can help you gain speed. Explore different surfaces and materials to understand how various conditions affect your technique, allowing you to adapt effectively. Chain together multiple vaults to improve flow and precision, while always maintaining consistency in your speed and control.
As you progress to advanced techniques, focus on increasing your speed, finding your flow over different obstacles, and building your confidence in height variations. Work on isometric holds at higher elevations to enhance your muscular control and body awareness. Lastly, embrace the unconventional by challenging yourself with unique obstacles, which can foster creativity and adaptability in your movements. Overall, the key takeaway is to practice regularly, be patient with your progress, and most importantly, have fun while you develop your parkour skills.
- Start with basic step vaults, progressing from two-handed to one-handed variations, and practice on the floor for safety.
- Experiment with different surfaces and continuous chaining to enhance your flow and consistency.
- Embrace unique obstacles and focus on speed and height to challenge yourself and improve confidence in your movements.
0.48welcome to the levels video2.48we are going to be looking at variations4.799from beginner to advanced15.679all right beginner number one is the one17.52that we have already done19.119both hands one foot this is going to be22.96basically the same as what you've24.56already done in the last video in the26.24basics and we're just trying to get28ourself over the wall using both hands30.48and one foot so push up32.88foot33.76step through35.28and down36.96beginner number two one hand40.559this is the standard step fault that42.16everybody will recognize this is the one44.079hand one foot version so it's the same46.399as the two-handed one but without the48.719inside hand on the wall at all51.68you may need a little bit of a hop to53.76get up and get that foot up onto the55.92wall but that's okay so start front of58.64the wall this time one hand up on the61.039wall already and the back leg is gonna63.68go up the inside leg is gonna push66.08straight over67.52up through and down72.08beginner number three is using the floor74.72this is safer but a little bit harder do77.119the one foot one-handed version on the79.2floor this will help you with confidence81.439mobility and balance84.24so we're going to start on the floor86.56one hand one foot you're gonna push89.04through90.079come through91.36and back93.119through94.799and back96.56try both sides98.24from here100.479through102.079and back106.64beginner number four108.159weaker side this is the one-handed110.479version of the volt but performed with113.28the less comfortable arm and foot so if115.759you're always using one side118.159now you're going to be using the other119.92side this is a variation that you should122.24always do to maximize versatility124.88sometimes the environment will just126.56dictate that you can only do a128.8particular move on one side so it's best131.68get comfortable using either left or134.319right so if you're comfortable with your136.4right hand and your left foot138.319coming up and stepping through142.8now you have to get comfortable with the144.56left hand and the right foot same thing147.52coming up148.64step149.599push through150.72and down beginner number five momentum155.2start with one step back157.76and from here you're going to take one160.08step in161.28and then do the step vault so from here163.44i'm going to go with my right and then165.2put my left up so from one up through168.959and down next is going to be two steps172.239so we're going to take one step back174.4two steps back so now i have to go one177.519two up through and down184.48however be aware of wasting that187.04momentum so if you're pausing or189.76hesitating before the wall you want to192.319try to get rid of that go back to only194.319doing one step instead of two and build196.959up until you can work on199.28getting that whole momentum up and over201.44the wall202.8intermediate number one204.879different surfaces206.959start investigating the use of different208.959surfaces i'm talking about shapes and211.36materials212.4from concrete brick to metal railings214.56and everything else in between you want216.4to start being able to distinguish how219.04different materials are going to behave220.959and react222.239wood metal types of brick all have to be225.2treated slightly differently you can use227.2the weather to your advantage and use it229.36as another variable to change the231.28surfaces so the same obstacle in the wet234.4cold hot dry icy all make things237.2different for instance we know that wet239.84wood will no doubt be slippery crumbly243.04dry brick with dust may also need a245.36little bit of care so have a go with all248different types of materials249.84right here we've got brick nice dry252.879brick that we've been using this whole254.48time this is nice and easy nice and256.72comfortable258.4right here we've got a flat railing it260.72wobbles a little bit make sure it's262.88closed but essentially264.96same thing up and down we've got a high267.84rail up there so we could do the same270.16thing272.49[Music]273.759just start on one side275.919practice coming over278.32step279.28and down280.84intermediate two282.8chaining start to practice chaining284.8multiple step vaults together with two286.88or three steps in between them learning289.12how to set yourself up with the correct291.04hand and foot placement from one to293.199another will help create flow this will296also get you to start understanding the298.08importance of being accurate with those300.4positions so you could do something302.8where you come over305.199back306.96back311.68where313.039you're not taking more than one two or315.28three steps316.72intermediate three consistency319.84this one can be misunderstood for going321.919fast what we are looking for is a324.4consistent movement speed which can be326.96slow but has less fluctuations of that330.32speed331.44for instance the entry and exit of the333.36vault are usually easier and quicker335.36than the middle part of getting over the337.28wall try to remain active and contracted339.6the whole way without any relaxing of341.84the muscles at any point film yourself344.4and watch it to see where any of the346.96sticking points are where you slow down349.759where you hesitate or reduce any of the351.919momentum so if you're going354.479fast slow356.72fast again358.08you want to try to average that out so362.24the whole thing should be the same speed364.8coming in up over down so less pausing369.759less momentum slowing down intermediate372.88four373.84slow and controlled376.08so perform the step volt as slow as you378.8can and then hold the position in the380.72middle where the back leg has just382.96passed through but not gone onto the385.28ground yet386.72extend the leg straight hold your388.96balance for about 10 seconds and then391.919reverse the movement to back to the394.16beginning again395.68so what that looks like is coming up398.8and from here you're going to slowly401.12bring the leg through403.84extend to a straight position408.8return back413.28and come back down again415.919advance number one417.52speed419.44so a speed step is a slightly different422.8variation of the step vault and it424.56deserves its own video because we can go426.96quite in depth with that428.639however performing this normal step431.039vault at speed is also a good skill to433.68acquire slowly practice increasing your436.16speed from a walking pace into jogging438.8in and out of it to having the440.639confidence of going at your full442.479sprinting speed444.56you can start off nice and slow447.12move into it449.199walking450.639getting used to going a little bit453.12quicker like jogging pace455.759where you're moving in coming up458.88over459.84and then building speed up as you feel462.479comfortable464.479so you can go much quicker up and over469.36advanced to470.96flow482.72being able to go over different484.56obstacles with different surfaces486.639without any planning your foot placement488.72and keeping a consistent speed is good490.8practice for when the terrain and492.639environment is unknown494.8advance number three height497.28this is obviously dependent on your own499.919height but try to use your arms to pull502.639you as much as you can into a higher505.28step fault this can be helpful on higher507.759railings and the beginnings of climb ups510.96okay we can start off low and see how513.519far we can get with the step fault so516.08push up over and down523.12slowly making your way525.279further down so it gets higher and527.279higher528.32jump step through530.72if you can get to something532.72roughly head height that would be a good534.72start so being able to537.2push538step539.04over540.32so advanced number four is an isometric543.92hold544.88this is the same as the intermediate547.04variation of the slow and controlled one550.08however this is now at height on a552.64railing so the a goal post the top of a555.92swing set some scaffolding or anything558.32else like that that's what you want to560.16find561.44this will really tax your muscular563.279control your adrenaline and fear and a566great way of fine tuning those positions568.399and body awareness570.08so same as before you're going to use572the railing you're going to get up on573.92top you're going to bring the other leg576.64through578.72hold that position for 5-10 seconds582.959and then slowly585.2bring it back586.64and come down don't forget to do both589.6sides590.72so same thing592.08you're going to get up onto the railing594.24find your way up that back leg comes597.279through598.959point the leg600.56hold that position604.48slowly606come back607.76advance number five embrace the weird611.279the last variation is to go out and613.04challenge yourself to find any weird and615.44strange obstacles that you don't know617.6whether you can step vault or not619.76for example trees and branches can be622.399good623.36can you do non-flat fences626.079can you step vault through small gaps a628.399slanted angle with backpacks on a630.959barefoot in the dark up high underground633.839on a chain635.04a moving gate the list is endless637.76try and challenge yourself with639.36everything and anything641.519so that's it for this video643.839try and just go out and have some fun645.92and do some parkour don't worry about648commenting subscribing or liking or any650.72of that stuff just go and try and get653.2better at doing parkour and getting more656practical and functional658.67[Music]673.2you
1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 welcome to the levels video 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 we are going to be looking at variations 3 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:07,000 from beginner to advanced 4 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:18,000 all right beginner number one is the one 5 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:22,000 that we have already done 6 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:24,000 both hands one foot this is going to be 7 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:25,000 basically the same as what you've 8 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:27,000 already done in the last video in the 9 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:30,000 basics and we're just trying to get 10 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:32,000 ourself over the wall using both hands 11 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:33,000 and one foot so push up 12 00:00:32,000 --> 00:00:34,000 foot 13 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:36,000 step through 14 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:40,000 and down 15 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:41,000 beginner number two one hand 16 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:43,000 this is the standard step fault that 17 00:00:42,000 --> 00:00:46,000 everybody will recognize this is the one 18 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:48,000 hand one foot version so it's the same 19 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:51,000 as the two-handed one but without the 20 00:00:48,000 --> 00:00:53,000 inside hand on the wall at all 21 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:55,000 you may need a little bit of a hop to 22 00:00:53,000 --> 00:00:57,000 get up and get that foot up onto the 23 00:00:55,000 --> 00:01:00,000 wall but that's okay so start front of 24 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:03,000 the wall this time one hand up on the 25 00:00:61,000 --> 00:01:06,000 wall already and the back leg is gonna 26 00:00:63,000 --> 00:01:06,000 go up the inside leg is gonna push 27 00:00:66,000 --> 00:01:12,000 straight over 28 00:00:67,000 --> 00:01:14,000 up through and down 29 00:00:72,000 --> 00:01:17,000 beginner number three is using the floor 30 00:00:74,000 --> 00:01:18,000 this is safer but a little bit harder do 31 00:00:77,000 --> 00:01:21,000 the one foot one-handed version on the 32 00:00:79,000 --> 00:01:24,000 floor this will help you with confidence 33 00:00:81,000 --> 00:01:26,000 mobility and balance 34 00:00:84,000 --> 00:01:28,000 so we're going to start on the floor 35 00:00:86,000 --> 00:01:29,000 one hand one foot you're gonna push 36 00:00:89,000 --> 00:01:31,000 through 37 00:00:90,000 --> 00:01:33,000 come through 38 00:00:91,000 --> 00:01:34,000 and back 39 00:00:93,000 --> 00:01:36,000 through 40 00:00:94,000 --> 00:01:37,000 and back 41 00:00:96,000 --> 00:01:39,000 try both sides 42 00:00:98,000 --> 00:01:41,000 from here 43 00:00:100,000 --> 00:01:44,000 through 44 00:00:102,000 --> 00:01:44,000 and back 45 00:00:106,000 --> 00:01:49,000 beginner number four 46 00:00:108,000 --> 00:01:53,000 weaker side this is the one-handed 47 00:00:110,000 --> 00:01:55,000 version of the volt but performed with 48 00:00:113,000 --> 00:01:57,000 the less comfortable arm and foot so if 49 00:00:115,000 --> 00:01:59,000 you're always using one side 50 00:00:118,000 --> 00:01:62,000 now you're going to be using the other 51 00:00:119,000 --> 00:01:63,000 side this is a variation that you should 52 00:00:122,000 --> 00:01:66,000 always do to maximize versatility 53 00:00:124,000 --> 00:01:67,000 sometimes the environment will just 54 00:00:126,000 --> 00:01:71,000 dictate that you can only do a 55 00:00:128,000 --> 00:01:73,000 particular move on one side so it's best 56 00:00:131,000 --> 00:01:75,000 get comfortable using either left or 57 00:00:134,000 --> 00:01:78,000 right so if you're comfortable with your 58 00:00:136,000 --> 00:01:82,000 right hand and your left foot 59 00:00:138,000 --> 00:01:84,000 coming up and stepping through 60 00:00:142,000 --> 00:01:86,000 now you have to get comfortable with the 61 00:00:144,000 --> 00:01:88,000 left hand and the right foot same thing 62 00:00:147,000 --> 00:01:89,000 coming up 63 00:00:148,000 --> 00:01:90,000 step 64 00:00:149,000 --> 00:01:94,000 push through 65 00:00:150,000 --> 00:01:97,000 and down beginner number five momentum 66 00:00:155,000 --> 00:01:99,000 start with one step back 67 00:00:157,000 --> 00:01:100,000 and from here you're going to take one 68 00:00:160,000 --> 00:01:103,000 step in 69 00:00:161,000 --> 00:01:104,000 and then do the step vault so from here 70 00:00:163,000 --> 00:01:108,000 i'm going to go with my right and then 71 00:00:165,000 --> 00:01:112,000 put my left up so from one up through 72 00:00:168,000 --> 00:01:113,000 and down next is going to be two steps 73 00:00:172,000 --> 00:01:117,000 so we're going to take one step back 74 00:00:174,000 --> 00:01:122,000 two steps back so now i have to go one 75 00:00:177,000 --> 00:01:122,000 two up through and down 76 00:00:184,000 --> 00:01:129,000 however be aware of wasting that 77 00:00:187,000 --> 00:01:132,000 momentum so if you're pausing or 78 00:00:189,000 --> 00:01:133,000 hesitating before the wall you want to 79 00:00:192,000 --> 00:01:136,000 try to get rid of that go back to only 80 00:00:194,000 --> 00:01:138,000 doing one step instead of two and build 81 00:00:196,000 --> 00:01:140,000 up until you can work on 82 00:00:199,000 --> 00:01:142,000 getting that whole momentum up and over 83 00:00:201,000 --> 00:01:144,000 the wall 84 00:00:202,000 --> 00:01:146,000 intermediate number one 85 00:00:204,000 --> 00:01:148,000 different surfaces 86 00:00:206,000 --> 00:01:150,000 start investigating the use of different 87 00:00:208,000 --> 00:01:151,000 surfaces i'm talking about shapes and 88 00:00:211,000 --> 00:01:154,000 materials 89 00:00:212,000 --> 00:01:156,000 from concrete brick to metal railings 90 00:00:214,000 --> 00:01:158,000 and everything else in between you want 91 00:00:216,000 --> 00:01:160,000 to start being able to distinguish how 92 00:00:219,000 --> 00:01:162,000 different materials are going to behave 93 00:00:220,000 --> 00:01:164,000 and react 94 00:00:222,000 --> 00:01:166,000 wood metal types of brick all have to be 95 00:00:225,000 --> 00:01:169,000 treated slightly differently you can use 96 00:00:227,000 --> 00:01:171,000 the weather to your advantage and use it 97 00:00:229,000 --> 00:01:174,000 as another variable to change the 98 00:00:231,000 --> 00:01:176,000 surfaces so the same obstacle in the wet 99 00:00:234,000 --> 00:01:179,000 cold hot dry icy all make things 100 00:00:237,000 --> 00:01:182,000 different for instance we know that wet 101 00:00:239,000 --> 00:01:184,000 wood will no doubt be slippery crumbly 102 00:00:243,000 --> 00:01:187,000 dry brick with dust may also need a 103 00:00:245,000 --> 00:01:189,000 little bit of care so have a go with all 104 00:00:248,000 --> 00:01:192,000 different types of materials 105 00:00:249,000 --> 00:01:193,000 right here we've got brick nice dry 106 00:00:252,000 --> 00:01:195,000 brick that we've been using this whole 107 00:00:254,000 --> 00:01:197,000 time this is nice and easy nice and 108 00:00:256,000 --> 00:01:200,000 comfortable 109 00:00:258,000 --> 00:01:202,000 right here we've got a flat railing it 110 00:00:260,000 --> 00:01:204,000 wobbles a little bit make sure it's 111 00:00:262,000 --> 00:01:206,000 closed but essentially 112 00:00:264,000 --> 00:01:209,000 same thing up and down we've got a high 113 00:00:267,000 --> 00:01:211,000 rail up there so we could do the same 114 00:00:270,000 --> 00:01:212,000 thing 115 00:00:272,000 --> 00:01:215,000 [Music] 116 00:00:273,000 --> 00:01:217,000 just start on one side 117 00:00:275,000 --> 00:01:218,000 practice coming over 118 00:00:278,000 --> 00:01:220,000 step 119 00:00:279,000 --> 00:01:222,000 and down 120 00:00:280,000 --> 00:01:223,000 intermediate two 121 00:00:282,000 --> 00:01:226,000 chaining start to practice chaining 122 00:00:284,000 --> 00:01:228,000 multiple step vaults together with two 123 00:00:286,000 --> 00:01:230,000 or three steps in between them learning 124 00:00:289,000 --> 00:01:233,000 how to set yourself up with the correct 125 00:00:291,000 --> 00:01:235,000 hand and foot placement from one to 126 00:00:293,000 --> 00:01:237,000 another will help create flow this will 127 00:00:296,000 --> 00:01:240,000 also get you to start understanding the 128 00:00:298,000 --> 00:01:242,000 importance of being accurate with those 129 00:00:300,000 --> 00:01:244,000 positions so you could do something 130 00:00:302,000 --> 00:01:246,000 where you come over 131 00:00:305,000 --> 00:01:249,000 back 132 00:00:306,000 --> 00:01:249,000 back 133 00:00:311,000 --> 00:01:254,000 where 134 00:00:313,000 --> 00:01:256,000 you're not taking more than one two or 135 00:00:315,000 --> 00:01:259,000 three steps 136 00:00:316,000 --> 00:01:261,000 intermediate three consistency 137 00:00:319,000 --> 00:01:263,000 this one can be misunderstood for going 138 00:00:321,000 --> 00:01:266,000 fast what we are looking for is a 139 00:00:324,000 --> 00:01:269,000 consistent movement speed which can be 140 00:00:326,000 --> 00:01:270,000 slow but has less fluctuations of that 141 00:00:330,000 --> 00:01:273,000 speed 142 00:00:331,000 --> 00:01:274,000 for instance the entry and exit of the 143 00:00:333,000 --> 00:01:276,000 vault are usually easier and quicker 144 00:00:335,000 --> 00:01:279,000 than the middle part of getting over the 145 00:00:337,000 --> 00:01:281,000 wall try to remain active and contracted 146 00:00:339,000 --> 00:01:283,000 the whole way without any relaxing of 147 00:00:341,000 --> 00:01:286,000 the muscles at any point film yourself 148 00:00:344,000 --> 00:01:289,000 and watch it to see where any of the 149 00:00:346,000 --> 00:01:290,000 sticking points are where you slow down 150 00:00:349,000 --> 00:01:293,000 where you hesitate or reduce any of the 151 00:00:351,000 --> 00:01:295,000 momentum so if you're going 152 00:00:354,000 --> 00:01:297,000 fast slow 153 00:00:356,000 --> 00:01:301,000 fast again 154 00:00:358,000 --> 00:01:304,000 you want to try to average that out so 155 00:00:362,000 --> 00:01:309,000 the whole thing should be the same speed 156 00:00:364,000 --> 00:01:312,000 coming in up over down so less pausing 157 00:00:369,000 --> 00:01:313,000 less momentum slowing down intermediate 158 00:00:372,000 --> 00:01:315,000 four 159 00:00:373,000 --> 00:01:317,000 slow and controlled 160 00:00:376,000 --> 00:01:320,000 so perform the step volt as slow as you 161 00:00:378,000 --> 00:01:322,000 can and then hold the position in the 162 00:00:380,000 --> 00:01:324,000 middle where the back leg has just 163 00:00:382,000 --> 00:01:325,000 passed through but not gone onto the 164 00:00:385,000 --> 00:01:328,000 ground yet 165 00:00:386,000 --> 00:01:331,000 extend the leg straight hold your 166 00:00:388,000 --> 00:01:333,000 balance for about 10 seconds and then 167 00:00:391,000 --> 00:01:334,000 reverse the movement to back to the 168 00:00:394,000 --> 00:01:338,000 beginning again 169 00:00:395,000 --> 00:01:340,000 so what that looks like is coming up 170 00:00:398,000 --> 00:01:343,000 and from here you're going to slowly 171 00:00:401,000 --> 00:01:348,000 bring the leg through 172 00:00:403,000 --> 00:01:347,000 extend to a straight position 173 00:00:408,000 --> 00:01:350,000 return back 174 00:00:413,000 --> 00:01:357,000 and come back down again 175 00:00:415,000 --> 00:01:358,000 advance number one 176 00:00:417,000 --> 00:01:362,000 speed 177 00:00:419,000 --> 00:01:364,000 so a speed step is a slightly different 178 00:00:422,000 --> 00:01:366,000 variation of the step vault and it 179 00:00:424,000 --> 00:01:368,000 deserves its own video because we can go 180 00:00:426,000 --> 00:01:370,000 quite in depth with that 181 00:00:428,000 --> 00:01:373,000 however performing this normal step 182 00:00:431,000 --> 00:01:376,000 vault at speed is also a good skill to 183 00:00:433,000 --> 00:01:378,000 acquire slowly practice increasing your 184 00:00:436,000 --> 00:01:380,000 speed from a walking pace into jogging 185 00:00:438,000 --> 00:01:381,000 in and out of it to having the 186 00:00:440,000 --> 00:01:383,000 confidence of going at your full 187 00:00:442,000 --> 00:01:386,000 sprinting speed 188 00:00:444,000 --> 00:01:388,000 you can start off nice and slow 189 00:00:447,000 --> 00:01:390,000 move into it 190 00:00:449,000 --> 00:01:392,000 walking 191 00:00:450,000 --> 00:01:395,000 getting used to going a little bit 192 00:00:453,000 --> 00:01:398,000 quicker like jogging pace 193 00:00:455,000 --> 00:01:399,000 where you're moving in coming up 194 00:00:458,000 --> 00:01:401,000 over 195 00:00:459,000 --> 00:01:403,000 and then building speed up as you feel 196 00:00:462,000 --> 00:01:408,000 comfortable 197 00:00:464,000 --> 00:01:410,000 so you can go much quicker up and over 198 00:00:469,000 --> 00:01:413,000 advanced to 199 00:00:470,000 --> 00:01:413,000 flow 200 00:00:482,000 --> 00:01:425,000 being able to go over different 201 00:00:484,000 --> 00:01:428,000 obstacles with different surfaces 202 00:00:486,000 --> 00:01:430,000 without any planning your foot placement 203 00:00:488,000 --> 00:01:431,000 and keeping a consistent speed is good 204 00:00:490,000 --> 00:01:434,000 practice for when the terrain and 205 00:00:492,000 --> 00:01:436,000 environment is unknown 206 00:00:494,000 --> 00:01:439,000 advance number three height 207 00:00:497,000 --> 00:01:442,000 this is obviously dependent on your own 208 00:00:499,000 --> 00:01:444,000 height but try to use your arms to pull 209 00:00:502,000 --> 00:01:447,000 you as much as you can into a higher 210 00:00:505,000 --> 00:01:450,000 step fault this can be helpful on higher 211 00:00:507,000 --> 00:01:452,000 railings and the beginnings of climb ups 212 00:00:510,000 --> 00:01:455,000 okay we can start off low and see how 213 00:00:513,000 --> 00:01:460,000 far we can get with the step fault so 214 00:00:516,000 --> 00:01:461,000 push up over and down 215 00:00:523,000 --> 00:01:467,000 slowly making your way 216 00:00:525,000 --> 00:01:468,000 further down so it gets higher and 217 00:00:527,000 --> 00:01:470,000 higher 218 00:00:528,000 --> 00:01:472,000 jump step through 219 00:00:530,000 --> 00:01:474,000 if you can get to something 220 00:00:532,000 --> 00:01:476,000 roughly head height that would be a good 221 00:00:534,000 --> 00:01:477,000 start so being able to 222 00:00:537,000 --> 00:01:478,000 push 223 00:00:538,000 --> 00:01:480,000 step 224 00:00:539,000 --> 00:01:483,000 over 225 00:00:540,000 --> 00:01:484,000 so advanced number four is an isometric 226 00:00:543,000 --> 00:01:486,000 hold 227 00:00:544,000 --> 00:01:489,000 this is the same as the intermediate 228 00:00:547,000 --> 00:01:492,000 variation of the slow and controlled one 229 00:00:550,000 --> 00:01:495,000 however this is now at height on a 230 00:00:552,000 --> 00:01:497,000 railing so the a goal post the top of a 231 00:00:555,000 --> 00:01:499,000 swing set some scaffolding or anything 232 00:00:558,000 --> 00:01:501,000 else like that that's what you want to 233 00:00:560,000 --> 00:01:503,000 find 234 00:00:561,000 --> 00:01:505,000 this will really tax your muscular 235 00:00:563,000 --> 00:01:508,000 control your adrenaline and fear and a 236 00:00:566,000 --> 00:01:510,000 great way of fine tuning those positions 237 00:00:568,000 --> 00:01:511,000 and body awareness 238 00:00:570,000 --> 00:01:513,000 so same as before you're going to use 239 00:00:572,000 --> 00:01:516,000 the railing you're going to get up on 240 00:00:573,000 --> 00:01:517,000 top you're going to bring the other leg 241 00:00:576,000 --> 00:01:522,000 through 242 00:00:578,000 --> 00:01:524,000 hold that position for 5-10 seconds 243 00:00:582,000 --> 00:01:525,000 and then slowly 244 00:00:585,000 --> 00:01:529,000 bring it back 245 00:00:586,000 --> 00:01:530,000 and come down don't forget to do both 246 00:00:589,000 --> 00:01:531,000 sides 247 00:00:590,000 --> 00:01:533,000 so same thing 248 00:00:592,000 --> 00:01:537,000 you're going to get up onto the railing 249 00:00:594,000 --> 00:01:538,000 find your way up that back leg comes 250 00:00:597,000 --> 00:01:540,000 through 251 00:00:598,000 --> 00:01:543,000 point the leg 252 00:00:600,000 --> 00:01:543,000 hold that position 253 00:00:604,000 --> 00:01:547,000 slowly 254 00:00:606,000 --> 00:01:551,000 come back 255 00:00:607,000 --> 00:01:552,000 advance number five embrace the weird 256 00:00:611,000 --> 00:01:555,000 the last variation is to go out and 257 00:00:613,000 --> 00:01:557,000 challenge yourself to find any weird and 258 00:00:615,000 --> 00:01:559,000 strange obstacles that you don't know 259 00:00:617,000 --> 00:01:561,000 whether you can step vault or not 260 00:00:619,000 --> 00:01:562,000 for example trees and branches can be 261 00:00:622,000 --> 00:01:565,000 good 262 00:00:623,000 --> 00:01:568,000 can you do non-flat fences 263 00:00:626,000 --> 00:01:570,000 can you step vault through small gaps a 264 00:00:628,000 --> 00:01:573,000 slanted angle with backpacks on a 265 00:00:630,000 --> 00:01:574,000 barefoot in the dark up high underground 266 00:00:633,000 --> 00:01:576,000 on a chain 267 00:00:635,000 --> 00:01:579,000 a moving gate the list is endless 268 00:00:637,000 --> 00:01:580,000 try and challenge yourself with 269 00:00:639,000 --> 00:01:583,000 everything and anything 270 00:00:641,000 --> 00:01:585,000 so that's it for this video 271 00:00:643,000 --> 00:01:587,000 try and just go out and have some fun 272 00:00:645,000 --> 00:01:589,000 and do some parkour don't worry about 273 00:00:648,000 --> 00:01:593,000 commenting subscribing or liking or any 274 00:00:650,000 --> 00:01:595,000 of that stuff just go and try and get 275 00:00:653,000 --> 00:01:598,000 better at doing parkour and getting more 276 00:00:656,000 --> 00:01:612,000 practical and functional 277 00:00:658,000 --> 00:01:611,000 [Music] 278 00:00:673,000 --> 00:01:615,000 you