Demonstrate one sideways-monkey movement to the left and one movement to the right, repeating five times without stopping.
Every time you move sideways and extend your leg straight, you must keep that leg off the ground.
Now you must pivot on the inside leg and twist your body towards the extended leg while maintaining it off the ground. Once you are facing the extended leg you must perform three one-legged full range of motion squats (aka pistols).
Turn back to facing sideways and repeat on the other side.
Repeat once.
Your hips must stay below your head and your leading leg must be straight while in the air.
Try to keep your chest up and hands flat on the ground.
This is to demonstrate a good movement ability and control in a low-gait position while keeping the TFL and posterior chain Muscle group contracted and twisting.
- Start in a crouch position.
- Place your left hand in front of your right foot.
- Place the right hand far out to the right of you so you are leaning on your right side.
- Jump both feet up in the air and drop the left foot past the left hand position.
- The right leg should extend straight out to the right and cover as much distance as possible - while staying off the ground.
- Now pivot on the left foot to face the right foot.
- Keeping the right foot off the ground you must now perform three pistols.
- Pivot back to the original position and repeat on the left.