Demonstrate a three lazy-vaults over three separate hip-height walls/rails that are of standard brick-length or less with no turning or twisting while performing the vault. You can enter and exit each vault at an angle, but you must be travelling in a straight line when passing the obstacle.
You can only take a maximum of three steps between each lazy-vault and must maintain a consistent jogging-pace or faster.
The vaults must alternate from one side to the other and back again. So left-right-left vaults or right-left-right vaults.
This is to demonstrate you can lazy-vault over multiple obstacles while keeping momentum and changing sides.
- Start with the wall to your left side.
- Place your left hand on the wall facing down (pronated grip).
- Swing the left leg over the wall.
- The right leg will follow around the wall.
- Push forwards and keep your hips facing the same direction.
- Place your right hand on the wall behind you as you pass over the wall for stability.
- Land on your left foot and step forwards with the right foot towards the next wall.
- Once on the right foot, step again to the left foot.
- Swing the right leg into the second lazy vault and perform the entire movement again over the second wall.
- Repeat the process onto the third wall.
You must show two repetitions of all three vaults in each direction. (12 Vaults in total)
The walls/rails must be hip-height or greater and of standard brick-length width or less.
The inside leg must takeoff first.
You must land on the same foot that is doing the take-off.
You must not stop or pause - keep momentum while demonstrating both vaults, with a maximum of three steps between each vault.