Lesson Level : 8
Jump Swing Pike
The Lesson
Using an upright scaffolding bar / pole / lamppost of any width, rotate around the bar 180 degrees from a jump into the rotation 4-steps (heel-to-toe) away.
You must finish the rotation with a pike underbar through a gap that is knee to hip height. You can use an artificial obstacles or markers with rope / bands / string etc...
You must start 4-steps away from the pole and demonstrate and jump and grab as well as a rotational swing around the bar.
Use markings on the ground or chalk to show the start position and landing.
You must take off two feet and land two feet in a pike underbar landing on the ground on the marked line.
Example If rotating around the bar to the right:
- grab the bar as high as you can with the left hand.
- grab the bar with the right hand underneath.
- As you jump, contract both arms to hold your body in the air.
- use the jump momentum to rotate you.
Repeat three times in both directions.
Challenge Details
Guidelines to successfully accomplish the challenge.
Must be more than x4 times the distance of a Foot-Step (toe-to-heel)
+ / -
You can use any distance that is more than specified.
x4 times the specified amount.
Jump from 4-steps away into the swing.
You must complete and demonstrate on Left then Right Sides
Both sides must be performed.
You must complete 3 repetitions
+ / -
You can repeat more than specified.
Three repetitions on each side (6 reps in total).
Your landing must be Both Feet (Ball of the foot)
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have landed.
Landing both feet in a pike underbar position.
Your takeoff must be Start with both hands and both feet.
Your momentum should be Stopped once you have taken off.
Takeoff two feet.
The hands must be Neutral Grip
Neutral grip. One higher the the other. If travelling right, right arm should be lower.
Your orientation must be Finish facing the opposite of takeoff.
Finish facing the opposite direction as your starting direction.