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1000 Muscle ups each in 24 hours?

Published: 2023-11-30 09:34:49 (1 year ago)

A group of friends set a challenge, could they each do 1000 muscle ups within a 24 hour period...Madness and muscles, nobody knew quite how it would go. This is what happened.

In London:
(in no particular order)
Chris 'Blane' Rowat
Stephane Vigroux
Dan Edwardes
Chris Keighley
Joe Boyle
Jun Suto
Andy Pearson
Bruno Peixoto

Andy 'Kiell' Day
Neil Keighley
Shirley Darlington
Annty Marais
Naomi Honey
Yao Gogoly
Brian Appiah Obeng
Alli Shelton
Tracey Tiltman

Special thanks to O.L.F
& BJ Rule for hosting the event.

Andrew Potterton
Perception Records

Bruno Peixoto & Julie Angel

A film by Julie Angel

Parkour Fitness Specialist Certification

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