Outside Tube station exit 2, next to metal pillars and open area.
- Victoria Underground Line
- Vauxhall Train Station (South Western Railway)
- Note: Oval Northern Line is walking distance.
- 2 Bus
- 36 Bus
- 87 Bus
- 88 Bus
- 156 Bus
- 185 Bus
- 196 Bus
- 344 Bus
- 436 Bus

Starts with a gentle joint-mobility drill working down the body to get ready. Fllowed by a rigourous and intensive 10min warmup involving constant movement with low technical ability required.
Moving over a hip-high wall. Beginner: Learns the fundamental movement 'step-vault' and practices that. Beginner: Learns the fundamental movement 'step-vault' and practices that. Advanced practitioner: Use their weakest vault at speed with risk.
Traversing along the side of a wall. Beginner: Learns the 'cat position' and holds the position for periods of time. Moves into short distances if comfortable. Intermediate practitioner: Practices traversing locamotion in both directions for medium distances. Advanced practitioner: Traverse lond distances with obstacles and poor grip situations that also involve climbups/climbdowns.
Complete a technical parkour line. Beginner: Learns the basic movements and components of the line. Intermediate practitioner: Complete the line while focusing on the efficiency of foot and hand placements. Advanced practitioner: Pass through the line with speed, accuracy and control. Also able to refine the line so even more efficient.
Fear and Balance. Beginner: Works in pairs - balance on a rail while holding a partners hands. Have a high drop on the other side to induce fear more. Intermediate practitioner: Balance on their own at height. Advanced practitioner: Balance at height, walking, turning and moving under complete focus on muscular control.
Our classes are scaled to you.
Which means that all abilities are catered for and that the challenges are specifically built for beginners to participate.
Classes will always be different. There will always be different environments, themes, techniques, attributes to focus on and ideas to approach. The single continuous thread linking them all will be challenge. You will always be challenged, within your ability, but in a way that improves you as a human being. Which, at its core, is what parkour is all about.
Parkour embraces the spirit of self-improvement through facing challenges. Many practitioners extend their training to different weather conditions, enhancing their adaptability in various environments. This is why classes always run in all weather conditions.
We have a number of different classes for different age-ranges. We have a 6 to 9 years olds class, older 10 to 14s, an 8 to 14s general youth class and 14+ adult classes. Please check the specific class details for more information.
Anything that allows for free un-restricted movement. Tracksuit bottoms, tee-shirt and trainers is your best bet. Anything heavy-duty (boots) or restrictive (jeans) will make life a little harder for you, but it’s totally your call.
All jewellery, watches, phones, wallets, etc… must be left out of the class. This is so it doesn’t get caught or landed on. Safety is paramount in these classes.
Even though the classes are always different, we will always be moving a lot. You’ll sweat a lot and will need to keep hydrated, so its wise to bring water along with you to class.
In our classes, we promote an inclusive and welcoming environment, free from any form of prejudice. Everyone, regardless of their ethnicity, religious background, sexual orientation, or legal and political ideology, is encouraged to learn. Our commitment is to a discrimination-free space, and anyone found bringing prejudice into the class will be kindly asked to leave permanently.
As classes begin, coaches will turn off their phones and stow them in their bags, making them temporarily unreachable. If you anticipate being late, please message the coach via WhatsApp or Slack before the class starts. They will respond with the map location of the class meeting point. You can find the WhatsApp/Slack details in your confirmation booking email.
Parkour is all about challenging yourself. It’s about making you a better person and individual. Our classes push towards cooperation and collaboration and helping each other become better, rather than place a single person above others. Competition can motivate some people, but not all. We want to help all.
Parkour is primarily an outdoor discipline. Incorporating indoor training can serve as a valuable supplement, allowing you to refine techniques, practice movements, and engage in strength training or conditioning. Starting your training outdoors and using indoor classes to complement your skills can be beneficial. However, it's encouraged to train outdoors whenever possible, as it contributes to a more well-rounded skill set.
The new standard in safe, online payments. Stripe is the best software platform for running an internet business. LondonParkour uses the most secure payment gateway on the internet.
stripe.comCustom built parkour equipment. Our indoor classes uses bespoke designed and built re-configurable bar and rail structures, vault boxes and training equipment to simulate common environments.
As a Emergency Services, NHS and Armed forces BlueLightCard holder, you can claim 10% off any class or PT session.
bluelightcard.co.ukLondonParkour tries to remain as close to the original ethos of parkour. We teach practical and useful movement that makes you a more verastile human. To remain safe, we also focus on strength and resilience to build a better structure.
With a large number of female practitioners, different ethnic minorities, pensioners and the disabled, parkour is a discipline that is open to anyone and everyone.
I've booked a class, where do I go?
Otherwise, message in the WhatsApp group (details on your booking email) to contact the coaches.
I'm going to be late, what should I do?
The coach will be able to send a google-map location of where the class will be.
Be aware that the coach will pack their phone away once class starts and will not see or reply to any messages due to their coaching responsibility.