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Intro (en)

Evan Beyer (en)

Published: 2020-05-25 13:34:17 (4 years ago)

Evan is a senior coach for Parkour Generations Boston and a long time team member of Parkour Generations America’s. With a diverse background spanning many fields and interests, Evan has been exploring the world of coaching for more than 10 years. Originally from a small town in New Mexico USA. Evan spends nowadays most of his time coaching, building and inspiring people in Boston. This podcast was recorded End of April 2019 on the Art of retreat in Millport, Scotland.


0:00:10 When did we meet first?
0:01:45 Since when do you train? And how did you get into Parkour?
0:07:30 Why do we stick to Parkour? "How can I be the best me?"
0:14:15 How do you deal with Kids in your class? How would have you dealt
with yourself back int he days?
0:17:30 What is Parkour? What is your definiton of Parkour?
0:22:30 What what be your inner Parkour Animal?
0:24:00 How do you handle Situations with Police/law enforcement in Parkour?
0:31:20 What is your Coaching Approach? What is your Goal when you coach
0:41:30 Is Progress for you important while Coaching?
0:45:20 What are your plans for writing your Book?
0:49:20 What do you think About Competition in Parkour?
1:01:45 How do you deal with Competition in Boston in your gym?
1:05:00 Do you Train outdoors with your class?
1:07:00 What are the Advantages of Training indoor?
1:13:00 Creativity and Training
1:17:45 Final Thoughts?
1:19:10 Stupid Questions!
1:26:45 Book recommendations

Book recommendation:

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey and Eric Hagerman
Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown
Tony Robbins - 2mm Shift
Chris Voss - Never split the difference

Evans Music:

Host: Philipp Raasch
Thank you for the Intro: Deniz Bozkurtan (composition of the audio), Julie Angel, Stephane Vigroux (for the intro audio).

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